


無獨有偶劇團、利澤國際偶戲藝術村創始人之一,現擔任無獨有偶行政總監。 1992 年起擔任劇場演員,擅長活動企劃及偶戲推廣課程規劃,擁有豐富的偶戲教學及規劃經驗,曾任舊金山慧智中文學校文藝營活動統籌及戲劇指導老師,並參與國際偶戲工作坊,師承德國懸絲偶大師 Albrecht Roser 及美國光影大師 Larry Reed。曾主持駐館媒合計畫、藝教於樂、基層巡演、偶戲聯演、國際偶戲交流等多項大型活動企劃及行政統籌,目前擔任無獨有偶製作人、創意偶戲活動與偶戲教學講師,為劇團重要掌舵手。

Li-chen TSENG

Executive Director

As a founding member of Puppet & Its Double Theater, Li-chen Tseng is currently the Executive Director of the company.  She has worked in theatre as an actress since 1992.  With expertise in project management and puppetry course planning as well as rich experience in puppetry teaching, she has taught theatre at Wisdom Culture and Education Organization and helped them organize cultural and arts workshops as a project director.  She has studied with Albrecht Roser, a German master marionette puppeteer, and Larry Reed, a magician of light and shadow from the USA, at international puppetry workshops.  The large-scale projects and activities she has participated in or organized as an executive director include artist-in-residence matchmaking programs, art education projects, campus tours, puppetry programs, international puppetry collaborations, etc.  Tseng, a pilot for the theatre company, is the main producer of Puppet & Its Double Theater’s production, while she is also teaching puppetry and arranging other puppetry-related activities.